
UCPath Questions

At Your Service Online (AYSO)

Contact Information

Payroll Questions

  • How do I set up direct deposit?

    You can add, edit or delete your direct deposit, go to the UCPath Direct Deposit page

    You can make changes (add/edit/delete) to direct deposit information once per day.

    A maximum of three bank accounts can be entered for direct deposit.

    Set up may take up to two weeks to become effective, subject to banking and payroll deadlines.

    Reminder – Changes (add/edit/delete) to your direct deposit information can only be submitted once per day. This means you can click the Submit Changes button once per day. Make all your direct deposit changes before you click the Submit Changes button

    Direct deposit step-by-step instructions or simulation:

    To learn how to add direct deposit, use the UCPath Help simulation Add Direct Deposit.

    To learn how to change direct deposit, use the UCPath Help simulation Change Direct Deposit.

    To learn how to delete direct deposit, use the UCPath Help simulation Delete Direct Deposit.


    Here are some reasons why canceling your direct deposit might delay your paycheck:

    Due to time factors, your next paycheck could be by direct deposit. If your bank account is closed, the bank institute will reject the direct deposit.

    A reissue check will be processed once the bank returns the money. This process can take up to 10 business days.

    You will receive paper checks until a new direct deposit account is set up in UCPath online.


    UCPath will mail your paycheck to your home address in UCPath online via USPS if you do not have direct deposit.

    –  You could experience a delay in the delivery of your paycheck.

    –  Delivery depends on availability of the carrier.

    –  Paper paychecks do not have a tracking system.

    –  The UC is not responsible for mail delivery issues including lost checks.


    To confirm your home address, go to the UCPath Personal Information Summary page. To learn how to change your home address, use the UCPath Help simulation Update My Address.


  • Can my three direct deposits in UCPath go to different financial institutions?

    Yes, you can elect up to three (3) Direct Deposit accounts at different financial institutions.

  • What happens with garnishments on UCPath?

    Garnishments are currently processed and will continue to be processed through the UCPath Center. 

    Only the withholding agency can determine to lower or stop garnishing your paycheck. If you want to lower, remove or make changes to your garnishment, please contact the withholding agency directly to discuss your available options. Changes to your garnishment only occur when UCPath receives a new or modify garnishment order from the agency via Fax or US Mail.

    Fax order to 855-982-2329.

    Mail order to UCPath.
    Attention: Records & Fulfillment
    14350-1 Meridian Pkwy
    Riverside, CA 92518

  • Who do I contact if I did not get paid or believe there is an error in my pay?

    Employees should contact their Supervisor, Department HR or their Shared Service Center. 
    For issues that need to be escalated please contact the CSC Team at or

  • How is final pay distributed?

    Final pay is distributed via regular pay method in accordance with UC policy or in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement if the employee is represented.

    Represented position - UCPath will process your final paycheck within 72 hours upon receipt of final payment request.

    All other positions - UCPath will process your final paycheck on the next pay cycle upon receipt of final payment request.

  • Will overpayment collections by the UCPath Center be coordinated with campuses?

    An overpayment account will be sent to Collections 120 days after no activity (no payment has been made on the account). 

    The invoice date drives the aging of the account or the date of the last payment was made. 

    There is no pause to the 120 days. 

    Once an account is sent to an outside collection agency, you must correspond with that agency, UCPath can no longer accept any payments or advise on status. 



  • Is the pay calendar changing with UCPath?

    Please see the payroll calendar for details.

  • I have questions on my paycheck deductions

    Employees should contact their department HR, Shared Service Center or the CSC Team for help.

  • What is an overpayment?

    Overpayments occur when an employee receives wages they did not earn, had a missed payroll deduction (i.e., retirement, benefits, voluntary deductions, missed FICA taxes), or had an out of state tax update and state taxes previously collected are reallocated to another state and an overage exists. 

    How are overpayments repaid?
    • Pay By Payroll Deductions – Full Amount or Installments (set-up completed by UCPath AR)
    • Pay By Personal Check – Full Amount or Installments (mailed to the UCPath Lockbox)
    • Online Payment - at, and click on the following: Quicklinks > Payroll Resources Page > Salary Overpayment Portal
    • Return Uncashed Check – This can come to UCPath’s attention via the employee mailing the check or by
    the employee reaching out and saying they never cashed the check or no longer have it.

    What is the tax implication for unpaid overpayments?
    Overpayment amounts that have not been repaid by December 31st of the same calendar year as discovery
    become taxable and will increase the employee’s taxable income. Per the Internal Revenue Service, the
    following boxes of their W-2 will be impacted: 1, 3, 5, 9 and if applicable box 16.
    **Should a debt remain outstanding for 120+ days, the account may be referred to collections.

Retirement Questions

  • Are there plans to migrate retirement information and tools from AYSO to UCPath?

    Not at this time. However, some functions, such as changing 403(b) beneficiaries, can be accessed in the UCPath Portal and will connect to AYSO.

  • Former Employee Login to UCPath

    Before you leave UC, make sure your personal email address is up to date in UCPath. If it is, within 48 hours of the official end of your UC employment you’ll receive an email with the information you’ll need to activate your former employee account.

    If you leave UC without a current personal email on file, call UCPath 855-982-7284 — a representative can update your email address and make sure you receive your login information. 

  • Will I have access to my email after I leave UCR?

    When employees leave UC, they don’t always have access to email. 
    Email terminates immediately for student employees who have not graduated.
    Staff will have 90 days to access their email.
    Faculty (Non-Senate) will have 180 days to access their email.
    Staff retirees can access their email indefinitely as long as they pay the annual Retiree Association fee.
    Emeritus keep access to their email indefinitely.
    Students that graduate get to keep their email indefinitely.

Benefits Questions

  • The local benefits teams do open enrollment fairs and other onsite engagement because many need help with benefits enrollment. Is the UCPath Center prepared do this?

    Although employees will be directed online, to the UCPath Portal for benefits enrollment, campuses may elect to host Open Enrollment fairs to assist employees who may not have access to computers.   Employee may also call the UCPath Center if they have questions about their benefits or the enrollment process.

  • Can those without social security numbers still enroll in benefits in UCPath?

    Yes, if they are eligible to enroll in benefits they will be able to do so on the UCPath Portal.

  • Where do we sign up for benefits?

    You can enroll in benefits by logging into the UCPath Online during open enrollment in fall quarter.

  • When does UCPath collect benefit premiums?

    Benefit premiums are collected in advance.

    Monthly benefit premiums are deducted the first of the month. For example ; November benefit premiums will be deducted on the November 1 paycheck.

    Bi-weekly employees: November benefit premiums will be deducted from the first two paychecks in October.

    If an employee makes an enrollment change that increases or decreases benefits premiums, UCPath will reconcile the change and add an adjustment to an upcoming paycheck as appropriate.

    When employees go on leave without pay and become responsible for paying the employee or total benefit premiums, UCPath will generate bills directly to the employee (known as benefit billing).

  • Can I apply for dual benefit Enrollment at UCR?

    You may enroll in the same medical plan as self only as long as your spouse does not cover you as a dependent on their UC coverage with the family.  You are not able to have dual coverage under the same plan as a dependent with another UC employee.  

  • Why did my premiums increase?

    Medical plan premiums are based on the employees annual salary and drives the premium cost.

  • When can I elect long term/short term disability?

    Newly hired employees are given a 31-day period of initial eligibility (PIE) to enroll in Voluntary Short- and/or Long-Term Disability. Choose the coverage you need during your PIE. Later, you may only enroll by submitting an Evidence of Insurability application (which includes a Statement of Health) PDF to the insurance company — you may not qualify. This is especially important if you’re considering becoming pregnant; if you wait to enroll until after you’re pregnant, your application will be denied.

    You may cancel your voluntary coverage at any time.

  • What benefits am I eligible for as a medical resident?

    Medical residents may be eligible for benefits through their residency program assigned medical center. Every UC medical center administers their residency benefits program. Please contact your medical center benefits coordinator for your benefits options. For more information about resident benefits, go to the UC Health and Insurance Coverage for Residents and Fellow page - and then select your medical campus.

  •  How do I update dependent information?

    You can update your dependent information by completing the Dependent Information Update eForm. 
    Date of Birth
    Remove Duplicate Dependents
    Dependent Social Security Number Update
    If you need to update your dependent(s) social security number, complete the PDF Dependent Information Update form. Submit the form to UCPath by Submitting An Inquiry.

    Once the PDF Dependent Information Update form is received, Benefits Production will correct the dependents' information and notify the Vendor Relations Manager (VRM), who will update UnifyHR.

    View Dependent Coverage 
    You can view the following dependent coverage information on the Dependent Coverage page. Click the dependent's name to view:

    Personal Information (First, Middle, Last Name, Birth Date, and Social Security Number)
    Address and Telephone (Address and Phone)
    Relationship (What Relationship do you have with this dependent?)
    Use the UCPath Help View Dependent Summary simulation to learn how to view the dependent coverage information.

    Changing Domestic Partner to Spouse 
    You can request to change your domestic partner to a spouse by submitting your marriage certificate and life event using the Benefits eForms: Submit New Form.

    Enter your event date.
    Select your Employee Benefit Category.
    In the Reason For Request, select Qualifying Life Event.
    In the Life Event Reason, select Marriage.
    Follow the form prompts.
    Remember to upload your marriage certificate.
    Use the UCPath Help Benefits eForms: Submit Form for Life Event-Late Enrollment simulation to learn how to complete and submit the eForm for a life event.

  • I don’t have an SSN, can I still sign up for benefits?

    Yes, you can still sign up for benefits, please note your Period of Initial  Eligibility  (PIE) is 31 days from your start date. 
    Open Enrollment occurs during the Fall each year. 
    If you miss your PIE, you would need to log into UCPath and submit an eForm - Benefits - New Form.

  • Who do I contact if my benefits eligibility level is incorrect or not showing? 

    Contact your Department HR Representative and request a review of your job appointment, working hours, and primary position driving benefits eligibility entered in the UCPath system.

  • Who do I contact for help with postdoc benefits? 

    Contact the UCPath Center who is the manager of all postdoc benefits and the associated benefits administration website.  Contact UCPath at 855.982.7284 or via Ask UCPath icon.

Other questions

  • If an employee has questions on their deductions will I, as an HR manager, have access to this information to help?

    The employee will need to contact the UCPath Center.

  • I need my employment verification

    Employees have two different methods to receive information on their employment: 
    1. The WorkNumber, the website is or call (800) 367-2884, using employer code 15975.  
    2. Log into UCPath and navigate to Employee Actions>Income and Taxes>Verification of Employment to generate a Summary Report

  • How do I apply for a job at UCR?

    All jobs are listed on the UCR job board -

    If you have questions on the job you applied for please contact HR at 951-827-5588. 

  • How do I get my W2?

    For inforamtion on your W2 please review UCPath FAQ page - 

  • How do I apply for State Agency Prior Service Verification - Reciprocity?

    You must submit an eForm through UCPath - State Agency Prior Service Verification form. And follow the instuctions given.

  • I am a new employee and I cannot log into LMS

    Please review the access information for students on our support site at:  (select the boxes to expand the information). Your path to access will be based on your employment history.  

    •    If you are a newly hired employee or contingent worker, such as an intern or volunteer, you will need to wait until you have been active in UCPath for two business days before you will have access to the UC Learning Center.  

    •    If you have never been an employee or volunteer of the University and have never used the system before, you will first need to push a profile into the system by using the UCLC Supplemental Profile Tool. The link to this tool is found on the login page under the heading Supplemental Access.  

    NOTE: new profiles cannot register for Laboratory Safety Fundamentals or Radiation Safety courses until the day after the profile is created. 

  • Why didn’t taxes get deducted from my paycheck?

    UCPath uses an annualized method of taxation. This means that UCPath takes an employee's gross earnings for the month and multiples them by 12 to come up with an anticipated annual income. For this reason, taxation percentages may vary from month to month. 

  • How do I get my 1098T?

    To obtain your 1098-T form please visit
    Your Student ID is required
    UCR Site ID - 11560

    For security reasons, you will then be prompted to change your password. Enter your old password (last four digits of your SSN) and then enter a new password. The new password must be 7 characters and contain at least one numeric character, one upper case letter and one special character. NOTE:  If you have previously logged into the system and created a password, the last four (4) digits of your SSN are no longer valid.  If you do not remember your password, click the “Forgot Password” option for assistance.

    Once you login to the website, you can access and print your 1098-T form by selecting “View/Print My 1098-T” from the menu on the left side of the screen.

    If you need assistance obtaining your 1098-T for tax years 2017 forward, please contact TAB Service Company at 888-220-2540.

    For 1098-T forms prior to tax year 2017, please email Student Business Services at with your full name, student ID and the applicable tax year.

  • Who do I send my Public Service Loan Forgiveness Form to?

    UCPath can complete the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) form. Please submit the form to UCPath by Submitting An Inquiry.
    •    There is a five day turnaround time for requests.
    •    You must complete Sections 1 and 2 fully prior to submitting the request.
    •    UCPath will complete Sections 3 and 4. These sections should be left blank when form is submitted.
    •    Please specify along with your request, how and where to return the form. 
    •    Written requests can be faxed to 855-982-2329 or emailed to

    If you are using the PSLF Help Tool to submit your form, please use email

  • What happens to my sick leave, vacation time, compensation time or PTO if I leave UC employment?

    When you leave UC employment, you will receive pay for any unused vacation, compensation time, or PTO earned through your last day of work on your final paycheck.

    You will not receive pay for any accumulated sick leave. However, if you retire within 120 days of separation and elect a monthly pension, any unused sick leave converts to retirement service credit at the rate of about eight hours of sick leave for one day of service credit. Sick leave does not convert to service credit if you elect the lump sum cash-out.

    Reminder – If you separate under the Voluntary Separation Program, you will lose your sick time.

    For more information about what happens to your sick leave, vacation time, compensation time or PTO, you can read the Retirement Handbook ( or go to the UCnet What To Do If You’re Leaving UC employment page

    If you are a Postdoctoral Scholar, your personal time off (PTO) not used when the Postdoctoral Scholar’s appointment concludes, including when a Postdoctoral Scholar leaves the appointment prior to the established appointment end date, remains with the University.  For further information review the POS DOC (PX) Complete Contract -
    Post Docs Benefits